Department of Energy, Office of Science
Working as a science writer and multimedia producer for the Communications team, I interviewed DOE-funded researchers about their work. These stories have been shared across the U.S. National Lab system and federal government social media accounts.
Getting to the Root of a Plant’s Success, July 2024
Cancer Research in 3D, March 2024
Trifecta Technique, August 2023
Rising Tree Mortality on the Rise in the Amazon Rainforest, August 2023
Berkeley Lab: Behind the Breakthroughs
Conceived out of a post-pandemic need to keep our staff feeling connected, I pitched and collaboratively built this monthly profile series to showcase the people of the Biosciences Area at Berkeley Lab. In addition to describing their work—whether that’s in the lab or in an operational role that’s critical to making science happen—I get to ask deeply personal questions and understand who it is that’s behind each breakthrough.
Suzanne Baker, Brain Wave Fathomer, August 2021
Deepanwita Banerjee, Multifaceted Modeler, July 2021
Julio Corral, Shepherd of Stuff, May 2021
Berkeley Kauffman: Helix Surfer, September 2022
Pier Matisse Roach: Event Entreprenuer, June 2022
Augustin Avila Sakar: Cyro-EM Trailblazer, April 2022
Pete Andeer: Robot Wrangler, March 2021
Leah Freeman Sloan: Administrative Acrobat, February 2022
Miaw-Sheue Tsai: DNA Mender, December 2021
Estuary News
As a freelance contributor to this online outlet, I get to learn and write about the waterways of Northern California with a focus on wildlife.
Cormorants Thrive on Shuttered Alcatraz, December 2020
Toxics Flock to Beads in Scientific Tea Bags (in print), March 2020
Paddlers Monitor Plovers (in print), September 2019
Invasive Clams are Changing Foodweb, August 2019
Wildlife Gamble on High Road or High Water (in print), March 2019
Hauling Out on Higher Ground (in print), December 2018
Prowling the Waterways (in print), September 2018
I was introduced to this conservation and wildlife-focused outlet in 2019 and enjoy the opportunity to research and write for their international audience. After tagging along with a group of female coral reef researchers on a field reporting trip to the waters of Costa Rica, I produced a feature-length article and short explainer video that was published in Mongabay.
Lawrence Berkeley Lab National Lab
As a full-time science storyteller with a National Lab based in Berkeley, California, I translate complex environmental and energy-related science into stories that are approachable to the general public.
Microbial Fingerprints for Cities, July 2021
Effects of Polar Light Cycle on Microbial Food Web, August 2020
Dry-Sanitizing Device for Reusable PPE, May 2021
Gene Expression: From On-Off Switch to Dial, August 2020
The Mercury News // Santa Cruz Sentinel
During my time living in Santa Cruz, California, I worked with these newspaper outlets to tell local science stories. As the COVID-19 pandemic built, the focus shifted to delivering related news as quickly as possible while the community was desperate for information. Working alongside seasoned newspaper veterans and in a news office are among the highlights of my career in science writing to date.
Santa Cruz startup pivots in time of need (in print)
Diversity at Santa Cruz County’s Science Fair, May 2020
Can survivors’ blood help others too weak to fight? (shared byline, in print), April 2020
Finding a cleaner, and more sustainable fuel source from afar (in print), March 2020
Event raises awareness for World Rare Disease Day (in print), February 2020
Berry growers going green (in print), February 2020
Donating blood: Give a little, get a lot (in print), February 2020
Students explore Elkhorn Slough Reserve (in print), February 2020
Changing the (red) tide (in print), February 2020
Mushrooms thrive in melting snow (in print), January 2020
University of California, Santa Cruz
While working towards a master’s degree in Science Communication, I interned with the UCSC Newscenter for 10 weeks and continued to publish with the various university outlets through the graduate program.
Island ‘Soundscapes’ to Gauge Nesting Seabird Recovery Efforts
UCSC Develops New Tech to Monitor Harmful Algal Blooms, November 2019
New system at UCSC will capture and reuse scarce helium, December 2019
Reconstruyendo los arrecifes de coral del Gulfo Dulce (in Spanish), August 2020
First-gen Faculty Leader: Rebecca Covarrubias, August 2020